1. 24.02.2023 – “Vidzeme Innovation Week”, Discussion Forum; non-international). Topic (in Latvian) “Cik tālu zinātnē drīkst iesniegties improvizācija?” (in English: “How far can improvisation go in science?”) held in Priekuļi, Latvia. Presentation title, in Latvian: “Eko-kiber-fizisku sistēmu digitālais dvīnis: Inovācija vai improvizācija?”  (in English: “The digital twin of eco-cyber-physical systems: Innovation or improvisation?”). Presented by Vidzeme University of Applied Sciences.
  2. 24.-26.05.2023. – TED4LAT Workshop, held at Vidzeme University of Applied Sciences, in Valmiera, Latvia. Presentation title: “Wellbeing Monitoring: Environmental Data and Dynamics System Modelling”. Presented by Riga Technical University in close collaboration with INRAE.
  3. 26.05.2023 – A high-level expert conference in Latvian: “Izglītības digitalizācija: jauni risinājumi transformācijai" (in English: "Digitalization of education: new solutions for transformation in action", organized by Association "Latvijas Formula 2050", held in Riga, Latvia. Presentation title, in Latvian: "Digitālā laikmeta izglītība – kādu to redzam?  Izglītības tehnoloģiju attīstības izaicinājumi un iespējas ceļā uz Digitālo laikmetu” (in English: “Digital age education - what do we see it as?   Challenges and opportunities of educational technology development on the way to the Digital Age"). Presented by Riga Technical University.
  4. 01.06.2023 – The 81st International Scientific Conference of the University of Latvia; Topic: "Geodynamics and Geospatial Research 2023”; Section “Towards Wellbeing Concept Based on Environmental Data, Geospatial Data and Dynamic modelling”. Presentation title: “Towards Wellbeing Concept Based on Environmental Data, Geospatial Data and Dynamic modelling”. Presented by Riga Technical University in close collaboration with INRAE.
  5. 02.06.2023 – The 7th Annual International Conference on Innovations and Creativity (ICIC 2023) “Where Math, Art, and Technology meet”, held in Liepaja, Latvia. Presentation title: "Digital Learning Platforms: Advancements and Effectiveness in Education”. Presented by Liepaja University, Latvia.
  6. 02.06.2023 – The 7th Annual International Conference on Innovations and Creativity (ICIC 2023) “Where Math, Art, and Technology meet”, held in Liepaja, Latvia. Presentation title: “ Digital Technology Solutions for Future Education in Action”. Presented by Riga Technical University, Latvia. 
  7. 13.-15.09.2023 – “The 5th International Conference on Higher Education Learning Methodologies and Technologies”, Online University of Foggia, Italy. Presentation title: " Digital Twins and E-Learning: Challenges and Opportunities”. Presented by Liepaja University, Latvia, in close collaboration with Politecnico di Torino, Italy.
  8. 05.04.2024 – The 82nd International Scientific Conference of the University of Latvia; Section: "Ģeomātika: tālizpēte un ĢIS (in English: Geomatics: Remote Sensing and Geographic information systems”; Presentation title: “Vai laimi mēra bagātībā? (in English: Is happiness measured in wealth?“, presented by RTU (authors: Una Krutova and Ieva Vitolina);
  9.  27-29.04.2024 – “The 8th International Conference on Energy Economics and Energy Policy (ICEEEP 2024)", Lille, France. Presentation title: “State of decision making in the Baltic States: Nuclear Energy past and for the future”. Presented by Riga Technical University (Guna Jakobsone-Snepste) in collaboration with INRAE.
  10.  06.-07.06.2024 – The 12th International Conference “"Education, Reflection, Development (ERD-2024)" held at Cluj-Napoca, Romania. Presentation title “E-Twin Concept in E-Learning Management System”, presented by LiepU (Dzintars Jankovskis, Iveta Cirule and Lasma Ulmane-Ozolina).
  11. 27.-28.06.2024 – The 15th Int.Scientific and Practical Conference “Environment. Technology. Resources” held at National Military University in Veliko Tarnovo, Bulgaria. Presentation title “Environmental Data and Digital Twins for Road Traffic Safety in Rural Areas”, presented by ViA (Authors: Roberts Volkovičs, Viesturs Bambāns, Ginta Majore).
  12.  02.-13.09.2024 – Doctoral school / BEHAVE Summer School “Agent-Based Modelling 2024”, Organized by University of Milan, Department of Social and Political Science, held at University of Brescia, Brescia, Italy. Presentation title “Shift in Attitudes Toward Nuclear Energy in the European Union”, presented by RTU (Guna Jakobsone-Snepste).
  13. 13.09.2024 (online) – Doctoral school / BEHAVE Summer School “Agent-Based Modelling 2024”, Organized by University of Milan, Department of Social and Political Science, held at University of Brescia, Brescia, Italy.  Presentation title “Human-Environmental Interactions and Well-being Modelling”, presented by RTU (Ieva Vitolina), online (ZOOM).
  14. 18-20.09.2024 – International Workshop on: Technology, Employment, Change Management and Human Well-Being (TECH), The Angevin-Aragonese Castle Gaeta, Italy. The workshop is sponsored and organized by the Creativity and Motivations Economic Research Center (CreaM) at the University of Cassino and Southern Lazio. Presentation title “Well-being after "Newton and the Age of Enlightenment"”, presented by RTU (Una Krutova).



WP Deliverable Deliverable name Status Lead beneficiary
WP1 D1.1 Kick-off meeting minutes Reached RTU
  D1.2 Report for interim technical review meeting Reached RTU
  D1.3 Data Management Plan (DMP) Reached RTU
WP2 D2.1 Communication and networking plan (1st version). Logo, QRcode, and Leaflet Reached LIEPU
  D2.2 Website (online), Social media channels (online), participation in the first EC event Reached LIEPU
  D2.3 Communication and networking plan (update). Further promotional materials produced. Website (Research agenda online). Participation in EC's second event. Twinning Synergy activities-first release Reached LIEPU
WP3 D3.1 Twinning and up-skilling plan Reached RTU
  D3.2 1st short-term research stay, 1st Workshop; 1st PhD School Reached ViA
WP4 D4.1 Research Agenda Plan with the specification of data and methods. Alignment Criteria with the International Scientific Community and the other activities of the CSA Reached INRAE
  D4.2 Assessment on Datasets and Statistical Methods; on Agent-based models. Research Agenda Alignment and Update Reached POLITO
WP5 D5.1 Dissemination and Exploitation Plan: 1st version Reached RTU
  D5.2 Peer-reviewed publications.
Presentations at Conferences. Dissemination and
Exploitation Plan update. First round of the Innovation Potential Evaluation. Spin-off and Start-up incubation 1st meet-up
Reached RTU


TED4LAT Shared Laboratory

The TED4LAT project provides project researchers with computational and storage infrastructure to support their research. Further information and registration available here: https://ted4lat.mii.lv/