
The project "Twinning in Environmental Data and Dynamical Systems Modelling for Latvia" (TED4LAT) is a Coordination and Support Action proposal targeting the overarching objective of the call HORIZON-WIDERA-2021-ACCESS-03- 01: Twinning to reach high international standards in research and innovation in Latvia. It will be implemented by twinning two prominent research institutions in France, Institut National de Recherche pour l’Agriculture, l’Alimentation et l’Environnement, and in Italy, Politecnico di Torino, with three widening Latvian Universities (Liepaja University, Vidzeme University of Applied Sciences, and Riga Technical University). The Baltic Open Solutions Center, a Latvian SME, joins the endeavor as a living-lab application partner.

Latvian universities barely reach international standards in strategic areas such as the foundation and last-generation ICT science and technology like Artificial Intelligence, Data Science, and Dynamic Systems Modeling. In these sectors, Latvia is lagging behind compared to other European countries and aims at bridging the knowledge gap.

To achieve the objectives, a research component of the work plan aims at targeting universities, incubators, research centers, NCPs. An intertwined set of Communication and Support activities aim at reaching the broadest community of junior and senior researchers, Twinning project’s teams and other EC initiatives, Latvian policy and decision makers. A common research agenda will address scientific challenges related to the use of satellite data for environmental applications, as accompanying measures, computational infrastructure upgrades, doctoral schools, workshops, exchange visits and seminars will be implemented.

The outcomes will be critically important to increase the ability and capacity of Latvian universities to carry out large-scale and high-quality research in the aforementioned domains. Capacity building will result in the emergence of Latvian universities' excellence for proactively cooperating in EU research programmes over the coming decade.

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Read more +02 oktobra 2024 By Ted4Lat ADMIN in Tidings

New article: “Time Series Forecasting of Agricultural Product Prices Using Data Science Techniques”

We are excited to share the latest research from the Ted4Lat team and Ginta Majore from Vidzeme University of Applied Sciences, published under the title “Time Series Forecasting of Price of Agricultural Products Using Data Science”. The article focuses on forecasting prices for agricultural products, with a specific emphasis on potato prices as a case
Read more +27 septembra 2024 By Ted4Lat ADMIN in Events, Past Events, Tidings

TED4LAT Workshop – 26th September 2024: A Day of Collaboration and Innovation

On the 26th of September 2024, the Twinning in Environmental Data and Dynamical Systems Modelling for Latvia (TED4LAT) project hosted a successful workshop at RTU, Riga, bringing together researchers, PhD students, and international experts. The event provided a valuable platform for knowledge exchange, networking, and collaborative project development in the field of environmental data and
Read more +23 septembra 2024 By Ted4Lat ADMIN in Tidings

Researchers in Ted4Lat are unstopable

This autumn is a time of gathering the fruits of hard work, and we are delighted to share the latest harvest from TED4Lat’s research team: a new open access paper titled “Digital Twins and E-Learning: Navigating Challenges and Opportunities”. In this innovative study, our researchers examine how Digital Twins—virtual replicas of physical systems—are transforming E-Learning
Read more +20 septembra 2024 By Ted4Lat ADMIN in Tidings

Upcoming Publication by Ted4Lat Researchers in Springer: “State of Decision-Making in the Baltic States: Nuclear Energy Past and for the Future”

We are thrilled to announce that TED4Lat researchers have contributed an insightful new chapter titled “State of Decision-Making in the Baltic States: Nuclear Energy Past and for the Future” to the prestigious Springer publication. This chapter will be officially available on 21 September 2024. To cite: Guna, JS., Guillaume, D., Ieva, V., Sen, K.J., Vitolins,
Read more +20 septembra 2024 By Ted4Lat ADMIN in Tidings

Ted4Lat researcher Una Krutova represents project at TECH Workshop in Gaeta, Italy

We are pleased to announce that Una Krutova, a researcher from Riga Technical University (RTU), represented the Ted4Lat project at the Workshop on Technology, Employment, Change Management, and Human Well-Being (TECH), which took place in Gaeta, Italy, from 18 to 20 September 2024. The event was organized by the University of Cassino and Southern Lazio,
Read more +06 septembra 2024 By Ted4Lat ADMIN in Tidings

PhD Student Guna Jakobsone-Snepste and Young Researchers Participate in BEHAVE Summer School 2024

We are excited to announce that PhD student Guna Jākobsone-Šnepste, along with young researchers Ieva Vītoliņa and Lasma Ulmane-Ooliņa, are participating in the prestigious BEHAVE Summer School on Agent-Based Modelling 2024 at the University of Brescia, Italy. This event is jointly organized by the Department of Social and Political Sciences, University of Milan, and the



Liepaja University (LIEPU)

Riga Technical University (RTU)

Vidzeme University of Applied Sciences (ViA)


Politecnico di Torino (POLITO)

Baltic Open Solutions Center (BOSC)

National Research Institute for Agriculture, Food and Environment (INRAE)

Responsible person

Ieva Vītoliņa (RTU) - WP1

Lāsma Ulmane-Ozoliņa (LiepU) - WP2

Ginta Majore (ViA) - WP3

Guillaume Deffuant (INRAE) - WP4

Aleksandrs Gorbunovs (RTU) - WP5


Atis Kapenieks (RTU)

Ginta Majore

Ginta Majore (ViA)

Guillaume Deffuant (INRAE)

Anita Jansone (LiepU)

Anna Carbone (POLITO)