The first TED4LAT PhD school and the sixth edition of the DASC conference was held at the Polytechnic from 16 to 18 November, an opportunity to reflect, together with industry experts, on the challenges and opportunities posed by new Artificial Intelligence technologies . The event, divided into two days of meetings, was aimed at students of the University’s Master’s Degree and Doctoral School.
The invited speakers – high-profile figures from the most prestigious research centers and European universities – have suggested numerous areas of application of AI as concrete possibilities for producing innovation and supporting the challenges of our time .
The geography of urban areas , first and foremost: Denise Pumain , professor at the Sorbonne University in Paris, offered the audience a series of examples to illustrate the contribution that the new technology could bring. Satellite observation was the topic addressed by Alessandra Tassa of the European Space Agency who, in her speech, supported how Artificial Intelligence could make the monitoring of ongoing climate changes more precise and timely. And again, the clinical analysis in which, experts have indicated, Artificial Intelligence could act to support epidemiological and oncology medicine .
Quantum computing and economics are the fields of study investigated on the second day: the first addressed by Bob Coecke , professor at the University of Oxford, in relation to Machine Learning processes, and the second by Gabor Vattay , professor at Eötvös Loránd University Budapest, with the use of AI to model innovative financial instruments such as cryptocurrencies, and by Juri Marcucci of the Bank of Italy, with the use of technology to build macroeconomic forecasts instead.
Central to all the reflections proposed was the theme of the security of AI technologies , particularly relevant if we consider widely used tools such as ChatGPT. An in-depth analysis, in this sense, was offered by Dirk Helbing , professor at ETH Zurich.
The event included the first edition of the Doctoral School as part of the TED4LAT coordination action – an initiative financed by the European Commission – during which concrete research experiences of the four partner universities and the INRAE center on the modeling process were explained of environmental data. During the first days, a visit to the laboratories of the LINK Foundation – Leading Innovation & Knowledge for Society was also organised.
“The event was an excellent opportunity for students, men and women, to discuss with top-level experts and access a wide range of highly topical topics and applications – commented Anna Carbone , professor at Department of Applied Science and Technology – DISAT and Chair of the conference – And it is certainly a merit of the researchers of the Polytechnic of Turin to have launched the initiative “Challenges in Data Science: a Complex Systems Perspective” as early as 2015, when Artificial Intelligence technologies such as CHATGPT and cryptocurrencies were still niche applications for industry experts. This is another opportunity to confirm the University’s role as a pioneer and driving force of innovation for the territory” .
Visit the DASC2023 webpage to read more!
